Filing Taxes as a Reseller Made Easy
“Ugh…taxes….”. If you have this response to filing taxes as a reseller, we get it. This topic was actually what prompted us to create My Reseller Genie! Taxes can be a super daunting thought for the online seller each year. But whether you need to file your taxes for hobby selling or if you are filing taxes for your full-time reseller business, we got you.
My Reseller Genie reports make filing taxes as a reseller a breeze!
When you use My Reseller Genie, you will have all you need to either 1) file your own taxes or 2) get the reports for your CPA or accountant to file on your behalf!
All of the information you track from your selling platforms will be consolidated into simple reports that can be filtered by time period!
But Wait, There’s More!